There have been several lists of the top call center experts to follow on Twitter. While helpful, these lists left me wondering how to determine who the truly most influential tweeters in the call center industry are. I decided to do some analysis on the top call center tweeters and general call center industry tweeting.
What were my findings?
I ran an analysis of every tweet that used either the #CCTR hashtag or #CUSTSERV hashtag. I then further divided the results to only look at the statistics for #CCTR. So this article and analysis will only cover people, brands and tweets that used the #CCTR hashtag.
#CCTR Hashtag Overview
There were 3,900 tweets created using the #CCTR hashtag during the month of September. These 3,900 tweets created 10 million impressions. 799 people contributed to #CCTR during the month of September.
The most activity was 227 tweets on the second Wednesday, September 11th. Activity drops 60% – 85% on Saturdays. Thursdays were the most active days of the week except for during the 2nd week. Sunday was typically the least active day of the week, followed by Saturday. During the week Mondays and Tuesdays tended to have low activity.
Impressions were also the lowest on the weekend. This is most likely due to low tweeting activity. For example, the tweet that received the 6th most impressions was sent on Saturday the 28th by Intradiem.
Take Away:
You may want to test sending your most important tweets during low traffic activity days, such as the weekend and beginning of the work week. There might be fewer eyeballs on Twitter, but you may also have less competition for those eyeballs.
Top Influencers Superlatives
Most Influential
@stealeyreed has a multiplier of 1.88x, meaning that for every 10 impressions she receives from her followers, she receives an additional 8-9 impressions from retweets, replies and mentions.
Most Powerful Retweet
Retweets of @MKCallConsult have the furthest reach. The average retweet of a @MKCallConsult tweet receives 8,568 impressions.
Most Likely to Impress
@flavmartins had the highest total impressions at 18,945,799, total exposure at 22,275,483, and retweets at 428, a result of having the second-largest following at 31,937 and the most tweets at 600.
Most Likely to be Retweeted
@McGeeSmith tweets were retweeted 81% of the time. She received 36 retweets from 44 tweets.
Most Popular
@BradBennett has the most followers, 42,035.
How To Read The Influencer Data
The following influencers and brands are not in order of rank or importance. I do not believe there is enough data to accurately rank people and everyone on this list is worth noting.
I will review the first influencer, @flavmartins, to provide an example of what each number means and how I interpret the number. “Followers” is the number of followers on the day I collected the data, October 3rd. Flavio had 31,937 followers on October 3rd. This is the second-largest number of followers from the influencers included in my analysis.
“Tweets” is the number of tweets the person/brand tweeted during September with either the #CCTR or #CUSTSERV hashtag. “Impressions” is how many impressions the person/brand received from their tweets. In Flavio’s case, he received 18,945,799 impressions from 600 tweets that included either #CCTR or #CUSTSERV. That 18 million sounds like a lot at first, but it is really just the number of followers times Flavio’s 600 tweets, the most tweeted by anyone in September.
“Retweets” is the number of retweets the person/brand received from their tweets that included either the #CCTR or #CUSTSERV hashtag. Retweets/Tweets is the percentage we get from dividing retweets by tweets. Flavio received 428 retweets from 600 tweets for a retweets to tweets percentage of 71%. 428 retweets is the highest number of retweets anyone received last month and 71% is the second-highest percentage, meaning there is a good probability that a tweet by Flavio will be retweeted.
“Total Exposure” is the total impressions from all tweets, retweets, replies and mentions that included either #CCTR or #CUSTSERV. The delta, or Total Exposure minus Impressions, gives the number of additional impressions gained from retweets, replies and mentions. Delta/retweets is the delta divided by retweets. Flavio had a total exposure of 22,275,483. When we subtract his original impressions we get a delta of 3,329,684. When we divide the delta by Flavio’s 428 retweets we get 7,780. This means Flavio gets an average of 7,780 impressions per retweet. 7,780 is the second-highest number of impressions per retweet, which tells me Flavio has one of the strongest engaged audiences.
Complete Influencer Data
Flavio Martins @flavmartins
Followers: 31,937
Tweets: 600
Impressions 18,945,799
Retweets 428
Retweets/Tweets 71%
Total Exposure: 22,275,483
Delta: Total Exposure – Impressions 3,329,684
Delta/Retweets 7,780
Multiplier: 1.18x
Kate Nasser @KateNasser
Followers: 28,721
Tweets: 284
Impressions: 7,299,318
Retweets 106
Retweets/Tweets 37%
Total Exposure: 7,772,663
Delta: Total Exposure – Impressions 473,345
Delta/Retweets 4,466
Multiplier: 1.06x
Bill Quiseng @billquiseng
Followers: 6,742
Tweets: 273
Impressions: 1,754,698
Retweets 52
Retweets/Tweets 19%
Total Exposure: 2,126,465
Delta: Total Exposure – Impressions 371,767
Delta/Retweets 7,149
Multiplier: 1.21x
Melissa Kovacevic @MKCallConsult
Followers: 5,430
Tweets: 97
Impressions: 508,880
Retweets 20
Retweets/Tweets 20%
Total Exposure: 680,240
Delta: Total Exposure – Impressions 171,360
Delta/Retweets 8,568
Multiplier: 1.34x
Brad Bennett @BradBennett
Followers: 42,035
Tweets: 283
Impressions: 11,823,327
Retweets 31
Retweets/Tweets 11%
Total Exposure: 11,972,433
Delta: Total Exposure – Impressions 149,106
Delta/Retweets 4,810
Multiplier: 1.01x
Sarah Stealey Reed @stealeyreed
Followers: 1,094
Tweets: 155
Impressions: 122,395
Retweets 51
Retweets/Tweets 33%
Total Exposure: 230,587
Delta: Total Exposure – Impressions 108,192
Delta/Retweets 2,121
Multiplier: 1.88x
Sheila McGee-Smith @McGeeSmith
Followers: 3,862
Tweets: 44
Impressions: 163,182
Retweets 36
Retweets/Tweets 81%
Total Exposure: 224,495
Delta: Total Exposure – Impressions 61,313
Delta/Retweets 1,703
Multiplier: 1.38x
Annette Franz @annettefranz
Followers: 5,608
Tweets: 85
Impressions: 458,891
Retweets 15
Retweets/Tweets 18%
Total Exposure: 510,600
Delta: Total Exposure – Impressions 51,709
Delta/Retweets 3,447
Multiplier: 1.11x
Greg Levin @greg_levin
Followers: 2,674
Tweets: 71
Impressions: 183,617
Retweets 26
Retweets/Tweets 37%
Total Exposure: 227,216
Delta: Total Exposure – Impressions 43,599
Delta/Retweets 1,677
Multiplier: 1.24x
Greg Sherry @GregSherry
Followers: 4,134
Tweets: 170
Impressions: 649,670
Retweets 27
Retweets/Tweets 16%
Total Exposure: 692,321
Delta: Total Exposure – Impressions 42,651
Delta/Retweets 1,580
Multiplier: 1.07x
Top Brands Superlatives
Most Impactful
@Fonolo received the highest number of additional impressions from retweets, replies and mentions. They received 122,866 additional impressions, making their Twitter activities one of the most impactful.
Most Likely to Impress
@Intradiem had a multiplier of 3.61x, meaning Intradiem receives an additional 3.61 impressions from retweets, replies and mentions for every impression they receive from their own tweets.
Most popular
@Zendesk is by the most popular brand with 47,987 followers. The high following and active use of the #CCTR and #CUSTSERV provides Zendesk the most impressions, retweets and exposure.
Most Active
@inContact was the most active in September with 179 #CCTR and #CUSTSERV tweets.
Complete Brands Data
Fonolo @Fonolo
Followers: 2,557
Tweets: 68
Impressions: 161,338
Retweets 15
Total Exposure: 284,204
Delta: Total Exposure – Impressions 122,866
Multiplier: 1.76x
Matt McConnell @Intradiem
Followers: 1,130
Tweets: 37
Impressions: 41,576
Retweets 7
Total Exposure: 150,133
Delta: Total Exposure – Impressions 108,557
Multiplier: 3.61x
Zendesk @Zendesk
Followers: 47,987
Tweets: 93
Impressions: 4,318,846
Retweets 41
Total Exposure: 4,395,389
Delta: Total Exposure – Impressions 76,543
Multiplier: 1.02x
ICMI @CallCenterICMI
Followers: 3,351
Tweets: 73
Impressions: 200,712
Retweets 29
Total Exposure: 224,656
Delta: Total Exposure – Impressions 23,944
Multiplier: 1.12x
Avaya @Avaya
Followers: 18,558
Tweets: 50
Impressions: 915,636
Retweets 38
Total Exposure: 929,837
Delta: Total Exposure – Impressions 14,201
Multiplier: 1.02x
inContact @inContact
Followers: 4,730
Tweets: 179
Impressions: 150,503
Retweets 11
Total Exposure: 156,136
Delta: Total Exposure – Impressions 5,633
Multiplier: 1.04x
Genesys @Genesyslab
Followers: 6,554
Tweets: 18
Impressions: 116,614
Retweets 11
Total Exposure: 122,191
Delta: Total Exposure – Impressions 5,577
Multiplier: 1.05x
ININ @IN_Intelligence
Followers: 4,556
Tweets: 19
Impressions: 80,758
Retweets 5
Total Exposure: 86,240
Delta: Total Exposure – Impressions 5,482
Multiplier: 1.07x
I hope you found this article insightful and helpful. I hope to do a similar analysis each month and provide you with a snapshot of the call center industry twitter chatter.
What additional information would you like included in the next month’s edition?
This article consisted of just a small portion of my analysis. Feel free to comment or email me if you have a question on a particular person, brand or metric.
About The Author
Torrey Dye is a B2B Marketer and founder of FunnelCake Labs.
FunnelCake Labs helps B2B companies create amazing content more quickly.Google+
Super insightful report. Thanks for putting this together and breaking it down.
Hey Flavio, I’m glad you found the post helpful!