Culture of Content Creation

CMOs say that building out content marketing is the second most important initiative, only falling behind measuring ROI. (IDC) Yet, most marketing organizations don’t have a culture that reveres content creation. If you truly want to succeed at content marketing, you have to transform your marketing team’s culture to be [...]

How to Create More Problem Centric Content

The goal of content marketing is to create more leads, yet a lot of B2B marketing teams aren’t getting the conversions they would like. Why? Because a lot of marketing content is created without being aligned to product. I’m not suggesting that marketing content should be product-centric, but you should [...]

How to Produce a Continuous Pipeline of Content

The key to producing a continuous and consistent pipeline of content is to properly balance keeping things simple yet intentional. Unfortunately, most often I see the opposite happen. Companies have overly complex plans, yet haphazard execution of individual content pieces. So, how can you produce a continuous and consistent pipeline [...]

How to Take a Goal Oriented Approach to Content Marketing

Your content marketing is the key to attracting new leads and progressing current leads, yet most teams are very haphazard about the individual pieces of content they create. Your campaigns won’t achieve their best results if you’re not creating content with the goal in mind. So, how can you make [...]

How to Improve Your Content Marketing Results

Producing amazing content is the difference between successful B2B marketing teams and not-so-successful teams, yet most teams are very haphazard about the individual pieces of content they create. Your campaigns won’t achieve their best results if you’re not taking a goal-oriented approach to creating content. So, how can you make [...]

How to Meet Your B2B Content Marketing Goals

Without content marketing most B2B marketing plans would fail miserably, yet so many marketing teams fail to produce the amount of content they think they require. Why is this? It’s because these B2B marketing teams haven’t successfully made a habit of producing content. So, how do you make producing content [...]

How to Start Building a Continuous Content Pipeline

Content is the lifeblood of B2B marketing, yet I have met with few B2B marketing teams that have a consistent and continuous pipeline of content and even fewer that say they don’t need more. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying that these B2B marketing teams don’t produce any content. [...]

How we tripled web traffic with social media

  There’s a lot of advice for generating traffic with social media, yet it seems a lot of B2B companies are still having difficulty executing social media successfully. Using simple tactics and free tools a company marketing to the call center industry was able to triple their web traffic. How [...]

Call Center Twitter Report For September

There have been several lists of the top call center experts to follow on Twitter. While helpful, these lists left me wondering how to determine who the truly most influential tweeters in the call center industry are. I decided to do some analysis on the top call center tweeters and [...]

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